Новости англ

NaftaGaz has reached the figure of 5 million meters of penetration

The figure of 5 million meters of penetration was achieved during the construction of well No. 786 at the cluster site No. 31B of the Karamovsky field, the customer is Gazpromneft-Nobyarskneftegaz. This milestone is an important achievement of NaftaGaz, confirming its leading position in the industry.

General Director Islam Nazaraliev noted that "correctly placed accents on the company's development path, namely: serious investments in the renewal and modernization of fixed assets, in training and advanced training of personnel, the creation of new areas of activity (tower construction, digital drilling, transport, personnel training on the basis of its own training center) allowed NAFTAGAZ to achieve impressive results in 9 years." Today, the company has overcome the milestone of 5 million meters of rocks (an average increase of more than 110 thousand m/year), built over 1200 wells, the number of drilling crews increased from 3 to 26. This made it possible to enter the top five largest independent drilling companies in Russia.

One of the main priorities of NAFTAGAZ is the preservation of high–quality performance indicators with intensive growth. Therefore, 2023 has been declared the year of efficiency, which will increase NAFTAGAZ's competitiveness in the drilling market and strengthen its leading position.

The company's long-term plans include further annual increase in the investment portfolio, the purpose of which is to update and purchase new drilling equipment, develop innovative technologies, and train qualified personnel.

"We can say with confidence that we are fully proud not only of the status of a dynamically developing company, but also of being a reliable and effective partner for our customers," the head of NAFTAGAZ stressed.

The first meter of rocks was drilled by Naftagaz-Drilling on October 14, 2014 at well No. 2554, kust 12 of the Verkhne-Shapshinsky field, the customer is Russneft.

The result of 5 million meters of penetration was achieved thanks to the well-coordinated, efficient and safe work of drilling crews and the use of a modern automated drilling system "Digital Drilling". This system allows you to significantly reduce the drilling time and improve the accuracy of work, which in turn increases the efficiency of the project and reduces the cost of its implementation.

In addition, NAFTAGAZ implements a program of regular optimization of work processes. Not only drilling performance is improving, but also economic efficiency for the customer. The company annually invests in the professional development of employees and sets new drilling quality standards. In 2022 NaftaGaz received the title of the best drilling contractor of Gazprom Neft.

NaftaGaz is accredited by the largest Russian oil and gas companies. In addition to the NaftaGaz management company, the group includes 2 production divisions – Naftagaz-Drilling, Naftagaz-Service, as well as the Digital Drilling IT company, which automates drilling processes, and the Naftagaz-Development Training Center. Since 2014, investments in development have amounted to more than 10 billion rubles. The number of employees is 2500 people. The production base is located in Noyabrsk (YANAO).
2023-05-17 15:37